Chi Omega Boulder

Zeta Chapter

Welcome to the Zeta Chapter of Chi Omega! My name is Alyssa Shappee, and I am beyond grateful & honored to be chapter president. 

Chi Omega is a community of women who support each other through this roller coaster of life, empower one another to be the best version of themselves, and create friendships that will last beyond a lifetime; for this I will forever be inspired by the women of Chi Omega, as they have shown me the power of personal development and unconditional love. Having the opportunity to lead this group of women has given me an irreplaceable network of mentors and peers who continue to push me in pursuit of my goals.

I am so excited for the chance to continue to foster the sisterhood that always reminds us to be discouraged never, through celebrating, encouraging and cherishing the women that make our sisterhood so special.


Alyssa <3

Chi Omega Class of 2023


The Chi Omega Symphony

“To live constantly above snobbery of word or deed;

to place scholarship before social obligations and character before appearances;

to be in the best sense, democratic rather than “exclusive”, and lovable rather than “popular”;

to work earnestly, to speak kindly, to act sincerely,

to choose thoughtfully that course which occasion and conscience demand;

to be womanly always; to be discouraged never;

in a word, to be loyal under any and all circumstances to my Fraternity and her highest teachings

and to have her welfare ever at heart that she may be a symphony of high purpose and helpfulness

in which there is no discordant note.”

Written by Ethel Switzer Howard, Xi Chapter, 1904